Why do I need a sign for my business?
There are many reasons, the most primary of these being: Signs are the most effective, yet least expensive, form of advertising for the small business. A sign is your introduction and handshake with those passing by, identifying your business to existing and potential customers. Signs are always on the job for you, advertising 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. People often judge a business by how it looks on the sign. Many merchants increase their business measurably just by adding a good sign. Conversely, many have gone out of business because they simply were not identified well, so not enough potential customers knew of their existence. As one sign industry professional put it, "A business without a sign is a sign of no business."
Channel Letter Signs
Channel Letters can be fabricated in reverse, open face and standard U-shaped channels. Channel letters can be mounted individually or on a raceway, and can be lit with neon or with LEDs.
Monument Signs
Monument Signs are typically built to identity your property, and reinforce your business in a appealing manner. They are are positioned at ground level, "monolithic" in appearance, and designed to identify a place of business to motorists or pedestrians passing by.